Join your friends and neighbors for a wonderful night of acoustic music at the beautiful Lakeview Lodge for the inaugural night of the Lakeview Lodge Music Series sponsored by Bethany Parks and Recreation.

You know you want a fun night out so keep reading…

It’s amazing that little old Bethany is attracting national acts! The inaugural concert will feature Robert Oakes and Katherine Smith traveling from Western Massachusetts to perform. Not only is it a great night of music, but a portion of your ticket purchase goes to support the Bethany Land Trust. Why not come early to enjoy the beautiful setting and take a stroll around picturesque Hockanum Lake?

Great music, great cause, great setting and great community — A GREAT NIGHT! Refreshments offered for sale by the Land Trust.

7PM, Saturday June 4, 2011
Lakeview Lodge
265 Beacon Road
Bethany CT

For more information call the Park & Rec. Office at 203-393-2100 x127 or online at

Tickets are $15 each (children 16 and under are free) and can be purchased in advanced at the Bethany Park & Rec. office or at the door the night of the show.

Be sure to “Like” Lakeview Lodge Music on Facebook! You can also check out the band website at

P.S. Invite your friends to come, too! More exciting shows are coming in late summer, fall and winter!

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